Chernivtsi Yuliya ManachynskaÂ
Institute of Trade and Economics of Kyiv National University of
Trade and Economics, Faculty of Accounting, Finance, and Economic
Activities, Chernivtsi, Ukraine
Svitlana Luchyk
Chernivtsi Institute of Trade and Economics of Kyiv National University of
Trade and Economics, Faculty of Accounting, Finance, and Economic
Activities, Chernivtsi, Ukraine
Volodymyr Yevdoshchak
Chernivtsi Institute of Trade and Economics of Kyiv National University of
Trade and Economics, Faculty of Accounting, Finance, and Economic
Activities, Chernivtsi, Ukraine
JEL Category: H10, O10, C60
The article investigates new trends and tasks of management in the hotel industry through the prism of
the modern theory of optimal management. The model of an optimal structure formation for the volume of hotel services sale has been presented
hotel sale is more important
Nowadays the tourism industry becomes the
leader mber of foreign tourists who have visited
the country is a significant element in the
hospitality industry as it contributes to the
development of several industries that are directly
involved in catering for them. This leads to an
increase in gross domestic product volumes and
augments the standard of living in the country.
The largest share of a tourism product cost is
constituted by temporary accommodation
(lodging) services, therefore, considering the
Matachins, Yu. Optimal hotel management theory: analytical aspect
MEST Journal Vol. 8 No.1 pp. 84-92
86 │ MESTE Published: January 2020
in goal attainment. Among these methods,
techniques of optimal control are of interest.
The primary task for the effective management of
a hotel enterprise is to determine the optimal
range of hotel services, the variety of which is
primarily determined by the number of facilities
provided as well as the general condition of the
material and technical base.
A key factor in achieving the competitive
advantage is the determination of a required list of
room types while the selection of additional
services is a means to raise the hotel property to
a higher stage in development. Establishing the
optimal structure of hotel services permits to
optimize the price per room and the overall hotel
tariff amount
2.1 Optimal management strategy
The efficiency of hospitality enterprises can be
significantly improved if one optimizes the
structure of hotel services sale volume to ensure
the maximum possible income.
The choice of the optimum criterion depends on
the goals of an enterprise. In the hospitality
sphere, the strategy that will maximize sales, boost profits or minimize cost
proportion of profitability of hotel accommodation
sale of
type in the overall profitability of hotel
services sale and formalized as a linear
programming task:
21 VVVV n=+++
2211 ⎯→⎯+++= nnVVVP
is the level of profitability of a
type of
hotel room sale;
;,…,2,1 nj =
is the number of room types;
V is the volume of
Manachynska, Yu. Optimal hotel management theory: analytical aspect
MEST Journal Vol. 8 No.1 pp. 84-92
86 │ MESTE Published: January 2020
in goal attainment. Among these methods,
techniques of optimal control are of interest.