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The Indian air force (AIR)2025

  1. IAF today is well established on the path to becoming a credible aerospace force ready to face the dynamic technological global challenges through modernization Ans able leadership . It is firm on its commitment of “people First mission ALWAYS” achieved through systematic approach to build up its strategic ,tactical and nation building capabilities. AS it enters the twelfth five year plan period, the IAF is poised to acquire capabilities that would allow it to conduct network centric enabled operations across the spectrum of conflict. Military technological growth poses new challenges and provides unique opportunities to leverage new and current military capabilities in pursuit of national interests. In pursuance of this strategy, IAF has put in place a blueprint for an entire overhaul of the Air Defence network, acquisition of frontline combat aircraft with state of the art precision weapons and other enabling technologies. It has also bolstered its transport and helicopter fleets with the in duction of C-130J special operation transport aircraft and Mi-17 V5 medium lift heptrs.
  2. For more details on Indian Air force please click to IAF



  1. The policy for selection of officers in Indian Air force is strictly on the basis of merit and is open to all citizens of the country. Being a technologically intensive service, the IAF strives to maintain high standards for induction of personal.

Induction of officers.

National defence academy (NDA) and combined defence service examination (CDSE) entries through UPSC are prime feeders for the officer cadre through Union public Service commission (UPSC) The non- UPSC entries for induction into the officer cadre are: Short service commission (SSC) (Men & Women) flying ,NNC Entry (permanent Commission for men), Ground Duty Officer Commissioning (GDOC)(Non Tech) (PC for men),Airmen Entry (PC for Air warriors), Short Service commission (Non Tech ) (Men & Women).

3.Recruiting through service selection Boards Recruiting through service selection boards /Air force selection boards in made for the flying (Pilot), Aenonautical Engineering (Electronics),Aeronautical Engineering (Mechanical), Education , Administration , Logistics,Accounts and Meteorology branches if the Aie Force .

4. University Entry Scheme: Final / Pre final Year studaent in engineeering disciplines are eligible for induction into the technical branches of Air force as permanent Commissioned officers under the University Entry Scheme .

5. Service Entry Scheme: under this enrty , Service personnel with minimum 10 Years of service (of technical and non-technical trades) of the rand of sergant and above between the age of 36 and 42 Years and minimum education quelificaqtion as 10+2, are eligible for Commisa

sion after screening at unit level followed for Commission after screening at unit level followed by Air force selection Boards selection tests and medical examination. Service personnel of technical tradas are inducted in the technical branch and personnel from Non- technical ntrades are inducted in the Gronds Duty Branches.

6. Recruitment of Women Officers: Eligible women are recruited as short service Commissioned Officers in the Flying, Aeronautical Engineering (Electronics), Aeronautical Engineering (Mechanical), Education ,Administration, Logistics Accounts and Meteorology branches of the IAF. However , Women have Joined training commencing in January, 2009 in Education, Accounts and admin ( Legal) branches in the IAF, Would be eligible for grant of permanent Commission, Sunjec t to vacancies availble , fulfilling of eligibility creteria and in the Air Force .

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